Length: 29.5mm
Overall Weight: 5.0g
Wire Screw-Clip Diameter: 35.0mm.
Bivvy Bugz contain a 2mm x 12mm Isotope.
A Bivvy Bug is NOT indestructible and it can break and if this happens it will stop glowing. So please understand that if you break a Bivvy Bug or the Isotope inside we will NOT give you a refund or a replacement. The Isotope can be broken if the Bivvy Bug is dropped onto a hard surface or if the Bivvy Bug receives a hard blow. Sometimes to the Human Eye no damaged is visible and light will stop emitting, this is not a faulty Isotope as it is Scientifically impossible for the Isotope to stop working unless breached or past the time scale of its life.
All of our Bivvy Bugz are placed inside packets. This is then placed inside a padded jiffy bag, ensuring your Bivvy Bugz reach you in perfect condition.
Bivvy Bugz make a very cost effective way to light a location. Our Isotopes inside the Bivvy Bugz being full max power have a 12 years half life span.
Bivvy Bugz can be used in any environmental conditions, even under water, and in temperatures ranging from -20˚ to 70˚C. They are suitable for operation in Zone 0 hazardous areas. No heat signature. Bivvy Bugz are safety devices.
Brightness appears different in certain colours, this is not down to lower power in certain colours but purely down to the nature of the colour. An Ice Green or an Ice Blue we see as a crisp colour whereas an Ice Purple or an Ice Red we see as a duller colour. The Isotopes supplied by us here at Iceatope are classed as full maximum power output for colour and size.
Below is what we believe to be order of brightness.
Ice Green
Ice Blue
Ice Yellow
Ice White
Ice Orange
Ice UV Blue
Ice Red
Ice Purple.
Please remember that colours may look different from screen colour due to the type of photography used.
Larger Isotopes will always be brighter than smaller Isotopes.
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